Making the Most of Every Moment

on Saturday, December 31, 2011

When you look back on your life, chances are you'll want it all to have mattered: the choices you made, the things you said, where you spent your time. You'll want to know that the way you spent your life wasn't in vain, that you didn't waste a moment of it.

Well if you want to be able to look back and see, you can but it starts with being intentional today about how you live.

It seemed yesterday a year has past. The Bible tells us that time is running out. We don't have to look too far to realize that it's true. We are all one day closer to the end of our lives today than we were yesterday. And when we realize the end has come we can't go back and relive our days. They expire every night when our heads hit the pillow, never to be brought back again.

Realizing that, shouldn't we then change the way we live?

If we want to look back and see that our lives mattered, shouldn't we make sure today counts for something?

The truth is we can live one of two ways: for ourselves, idly letting the time tick by or for God, making most of all the moments that He gives us.

When we live for Him we might not be perfect but we can know we're building a life that counts for something. Because when the clocks in our lives stop ticking its only what was build on His foundation that is going to count for something.

So live today how you would like to look back on your life tomorrow.

Don't make it a day filled with one wasted opportunity after another. Instead make it a day of following Christ and being like Him to each person you come into contact with.

This 2012:
Live like Jesus.
Lead Like Jesus.
Walk as Jesus Walked.

Not only does that make a life that matters to God, and ourselves, but it makes a life that truly blesses others.

Impact Devotional - WB Journal


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